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Hummingbirds is a sessional, term time only setting:

We are open term time only (38 weeks a year) from 9 am - 3 pm, Monday to Friday, a total of 30 hours a week.

We open 38 weeks per year and you can use your childcare vouchers and Free Early Years Entitlement Funding for 2, 3 and 4 year olds, for up to 30 hours per week, depending on your eligibility.

Daily Lunchtime Sessions

£5.00 (12 noon - 1 pm) these are flexible and if not staying until 3 pm you can choose to pick them up at 1 pm, pay as you go!  You only pay for lunch if it's not part of your funded hours.


Fees and Funding

(For funding information see 'Funding' tab to right).


For children not yet eligible for funding, and for sessions over and above the 15 funded hours (if you are not eligible for 30 hours) our fees are:

£16.00 per session i.e. per 3 hours, usually from 9 pm - 12 noon  or 12 - 3 pm, although we are flexible to meet your individual needs.


Extra Activities

We offer a variety of extra weekly enrichment activities - please ask.  We pay for professional teachers to come in, and as we are a voluntary nursery, we do ask for parental donations towards the costs.  Please ask if you are interested. 


*All prices are correct as of September 2021


Uniform and Jumpers

Uniform is optional.  Polo shirts and sweatshirts in purple, royal blue or light blue are available from Garstang Uniform and Leisureware Company (Mike's Sports World!).  See more details here:

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