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Newsletter 16th October 2017

SS Mary & Michael’s

Castle Lane Community Centre, Castle Lane, Garstang. PR3 1RB

tel. 01995 602012

Dear parents, children and carers, w/b Monday 16th October 2017

This newsletter is kindly sponsored by KEITH REYNOLDS BRICKWORK

The newsletter is also on Facebook

Last week we enjoyed making and eating pizza for snack, choosing from different kinds of bread for a base. Some of us enjoyed eating sweetcorn on the cob. We’ve been chatting about autumn, painting and gluing with leaves and autumn colours. Talk of autumn revealed some confusion about real and imaginary animals. ‘The Gruffalo’ story led us to discussing real woodland creatures. We have been using the internet, supervised, to find out about subjects suggested by the children, including shipwrecks, bears and lorries! Of course, you will be aware how important it us to always supervise all internet use, no matter how young your child is. We also had a role-play hairdresser, and now, on the children’s suggestion, have changed to a hospital.

During the next 2 weeks we will enjoy Hallowe’en related activities. Lots of stories – Winnie the Witch, Meg and Mog, Room on the Broom, Funnybones. We’ll explore orange and black in our creative play. Lots of role play, making up rhyming spells, mixing potions of sand and herbs from the garden! We’ll look at pumpkins and eat lots of orange food for snack! We’ll make salt dough decorations and bake some Hallowe’en cookies too. The week beginning 23rd October children can come dressed in Hallowe’en costumes if they want to. We’ll also talk about being safe in the dark and the danger of strangers.

AGM – Thanks to those parents and staff who attended. The committee was re-elected. Sarah Nelson became Chair, Gemma Bradshaw vice chair and they will continue to be a great team. Suzanne Southward is community rep. and Amy Creed parent rep. For full list of committee members see our noticeboard. Please do all you can to support them in all our fundraising ventures. It is a lot of work and they will need plenty of volunteers. Watch out for details.

FUNDRAISING – NEW SUPPORTERS NEEDED for and select ‘Hummingbirds Garstang’ to help raise funds. We have raised £569 in the last 2 years with ‘easyfundraising’, just through on-line shopping at most major retailers. Already registered - DON’T FORGET TO SELECT


100 club membership is another easy way to help. See details on easel or ask.

NUT ALLERGY – remember we have a child with a mild nut allergy so no nuts/nut products please.

*30 HOURS FUNDING * lots of parents with current codes need to be thinking about re-confirming their eligibility with HMRC. Also, if your child is 3 this term and you would like to access 30 hours funding next term then you need to apply BEFORE Christmas.

PACKED LUNCHES we hope we have been able to help by sending home all food not eaten. The children don’t need so much choice and sometimes will go for the less healthy options of crisps and sugary snacks, leaving fruit and sandwiches if too much choice is available. We do try and encourage them to eat healthier options first. The advice given generally, is that a child’s stomach is as big as his/her fist. The ‘infant and toddler forum’ on line gives good tips and information re diet, fussing eating and healthy eating. Links are on our website.

SICKNESS – there seems to be a very nasty sickness/diarrhoea bug about. Please phone if your child is off sick. Remember, you MUST keep your child off 48 hours after last episode - it really helps prevent rapid spread of the bug. HEADLICE – please check regularly and treat if necessary.

NEW HUMMINGBIRDS WEBSITE with SAME ADDRESS – is up and running (just a few tweaks to be made) You can access all information related to nursery, EYFS, fees, funding, term dates, newsletter and a links to useful websites and NOW also recent photos of nursery activities. We’ll try and make sure all children get featured. IF YOU DO NOT WANT to have your child on any website photos, please tell Janet. Please do not use any of the website photos to display on any kind of social media, thank you. DO let us know what you think, if you spot mistakes or have information you’d like to see on there! Our Facebook page will also have most recent information and reminders on, so follow it now if you can.

AVON - a hamper of lovely Avon goodies has been donated by a former parent, Sarah Deed. £1 a go, write your name in a square and the lucky number wins the hamper of goodies. Draw will be made Friday morning 27th October.

COAST TO COAST RIDE – David Miller, our treasurer, rode 200 miles from Berwick to west coast Scotland, the Isle of Whithorn. Please could you pay if you sponsored him, thanks so much for all support; every little helps!


WE RE-OPEN Monday 6th November for 6 ½ weeks and close WEDNESDAY 20th December.

Best wishes, Janet, Shirley, Carole, Bridget and Helen

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