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Newsletter for 17th July 2018

Dear parents, children and carers 17th July 2018

This newsletter is kindly sponsored by KEITH REYNOLDS BRICKWORK

The newsletter is also on our website, on our Facebook page or by email on request

An additional newsletter. Newsflash…

Unexpectedly and with sadness, yesterday, we accepted the formal resignation of Aunty Helen, who is leaving to pursue a different career path.

We would like to thank her for all her hard work and wish her all the very best for her future career.

We will be advertising as soon as possible and should have new staff in time for September when we return. The post will be advertised in the church bulletin, our website and via our Facebook page.

SUMMER FAIR along with donations and further sales of cards, Avon squares, we have so far made about £640.00 and the sale of the mud kitchen should take this up another £100 or more we hope! Not too late to put in a bid. Winning bid to be announced on Thursday

This week we are continuing our pirate theme, making chocolate treasure chest cakes, learning new pirate songs and we’ll have pirate parties to say goodbye to our friends moving on to school. The children are having great fun finding pirate gold and we will be playing games where we count out treasure, compare amounts etc the older children will also be making up simple games for the other children to play, using hoops, quoits etc seeing as we missed out on mini-Olympics this year.

All transitions are now complete and will be shared with your child’s teachers. Thank you for all your kind words. Thank you too to those who have completed a questionnaire.

30 HOURS FUNDING * if applying for 30 hours from September, you need to be doing this now and have a code before 31st August. Parents receiving 30 hour check your ’grace period’ dates! If not returning in September then do not worry, we have your funding up to end of the summer term.

SEPTEMBER SESSIONS – please let us know which sessions you want from September if you have not already done so. Thanks. I need to be able to let staff know when they will be needed.

WEATHER rain at last! Please do send coats in as the children have loved going out in it! I think they had forgotten what rain felt like! and select ‘Hummingbirds Garstang’ to help raise funds. whenever you shop on-line. Get the reminder app if you are already registered so you never miss a chance to raise funds for us. WE’VE RAISED £717 to date (in 2 ½ years) …. Help increase us this to £1000 and register as soon as possible.

100 club membership LOOKING FOR NEW MEMBERS. It is a really easy way to help raise funds AND get the chance to win half our monthly takings every month! Just £2 per month.

BABY & TODDLER MORNING: Mondays 9 - 10.30am will continue in September.

THANK YOU. We would like to say a massive thank you for all your support and kindness. We have treasured your children and will miss them greatly, although they are so ready to move on to school and all its challenges! Do say hello if you see us around – we will not forget you!

To everyone, have a happy, healthy and safe holiday.

Good luck and goodbye to all our leavers!

Parents will most likely be more upset than the children!

We return ON THURSDAY 6th September!

Best wishes, Janet, Shirley, Carole, Bridget and Helen

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