Newsletter for Week Beginning 19th November 2018
Dear parents, children and carers 19th November 2018
This newsletter is kindly sponsored by KEITH REYNOLDS BRICKWORK
The newsletter is also on our website, on our Facebook page or by email on request
Another busy week. We made a fire engine out of a large box and the children role played being fire fighters. We’re still enjoying constructing too. We looked at stars, printed with stars, started making tree decorations and had a go at threading on some stars. We started learning our songs for Christmas. Look out for the lyrics which you can take home and practise! We will be introducing the children to the Nativity story over the next couple of weeks and learning, (and making up!) more songs to familiar tunes, which help to tell the story.
CHRISTMAS fair OUR BIGGEST ANNUAL FUNDRAISER Sunday 2nd December 11.15 am Please do help out in any way, however small. It’s our biggest fundraiser of the year and we aim to make up to £1000 in a good year. RAFFLE tickets on sale NOW , 50p ticket or £5 a book of 10 tickets. We will be giving out 2 books per family to try and sell. If you prefer not to please return so others might try and sell them. Many thanks.
CHRISTMAS ON-LINE SHOPPING? or BOOKING YOUR HOLS? Now’s the time to use and raise big donations for Hummingbirds - £761 raised over the last 3 years. We can raise so much at this time of year if all the people who shop online register on and select ‘Hummingbirds – Garstang’ as their chosen cause.
CHRISTMAS PARTY for children is on the last afternoon before we break up WEDNESDAY 19th December. If your child is not in Wednesdays but wants to come to the party from 1.30pm, please tell Janet. Mr Jolly, the magician, will be back to do his show. The children love him, he is excellent with them. Supervised by staff. A suggested donation of £5 per child to cover his fee and to help pay for party food. If Wednesday is not your normal nursery day, please can we suggest £10 donation to also help cover extra staff needed?
CHRISTMAS SINGING: we like to put on a short and simple Christmas related performance for parents and family each year. This year we will be selling tickets at £3 each nearer the time, which will include refreshments afterwards. So, for your diaries, it’s going to be on our last day before Christmas, Wednesday 19th from 9.15 am. If you want to buy a Nativity related costume of your choice, or if you prefer party clothes, you can get organised. We do have a variety of Nativity costumes in nursery which you may borrow – please ask in plenty of time though!
100 club membership WINNER this month was Peter Brown, a former committee another easy way to help raise funds details on easel or ask. Donate from £2 a month per number to go in the monthly draw and get the chance to win half our monthly takings every month! The other half helps towards our rent to the parish. Forms on easel or ask Deborah Edwards or Janet for help. IT COULD BE YOU!! Join us now or what about buying a years’ subscription for a family member for Christmas?
30 HOURS FUNDING Parents already receiving 30 hour funding please check if are you in the ’grace period’? You can lose funding if you do not respond to reminders to update your funding. If you want to claim for 30 hours funding you must do so the term before you want to start using it i.e. this term ready for January.
BODY SHOP PARTY Tuesday evening 13th November at 7pm here at Hummingbirds, was supported by staff family and friends. Hopefully making over £100 for nursery funds - actual profit tbc. Thanks to Jo, the Body Shop rep, who kindly donated her 25% commission to us.
LEARNING JOURNALS: staff will be giving you the opportunity to look through and chat about these before Christmas.
DONATIONS: please could we have any tombola and chocolate donations asap and don’t forget to get baking for our cake stall on 2nd December.
Best wishes,
Janet, Shirley, Carole, Bridget, Gemma and Rebecca